How Started Woodworking With 12 Essential Tools For Beginners

While it is true that the tools do not create the craftsman, they certainly make a significant impact. Starting with the correct set of beginner woodworking tools can not only improve your experience with the trade but will also save you money in the long term.

Let me also state straight away that this is a list for complete novices. It doesn’t have tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment to fill a two-car garage. Instead, it concentrates solely on the fundamentals that every novice (or intermediate) woodworker requires.

Woodworking may be a difficult pastime or job, but it doesn’t have to be expensive to get started! You can get started with a few hundred dollars worth of high-quality instruments that will endure for years.

The 12 fundamental woodworking tools for beginners are described here, including layout tools, hand tools, and small power equipment. I’ve also included a few extras (yes, pencils are required), but chances are you already have the most of them.

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Beginner woodworker’s must-have tools (woodworking tools)

  1. Marking gauge
  2. Combination square
  3. Clamps
  4. Hand saw
  5. Smoothing plane
  6. Mallet
  7. Chisel set
  8. Sharpening stones
  9. Circular saw
  10. Router
  11. Power drill
  12. Random orbital sander

01# Marking gauge is a must-have woodworking tools

Marking gauge is a must-have woodworking tool.

For woodworking beginners, marking gauges are a must-have planning tool.

For ages, marking gauges have been a fixture of woodworkers’ toolboxes. It serves as the foundation for any type of joinery work, fine or rough when used in conjunction with a simple combination square (see below).

Why do you require one?

What’s fantastic about marking gauges is that they’re not only excellent for both basic and intermediate joinery, but they’re also simple to use.

For mortise and tenon joints, dovetails, rabbets, thickness, and a variety of other jobs, you’ll need one. It’s such important woodworking equipment for novices learning the fundamentals of joinery that it should be one of your first purchases.

They’re also quite inexpensive.

Which ones should you buy?

A quality combination gauge is the greatest option for novices. Experienced woodworkers may likely desire many marking gauges, but a quality combination gauge is the best option for them. It may be used as a mortise gauge as well as a normal marking gauge.

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…even if you don’t have a large workshop or expensive tools!

Below are two purchases that I suggest. Both will do the job and endure for years, but the second is a higher-end option for those willing to spend a little more.

02# The combination square is a must-have carpentry tool.

02# The combination square is a must-have carpentry tool.
combination square is a must-have carpentry tool.

Combination squares are a must-have tool for every novice woodworker.

Another layout tool follows next on the list, and it’s even more important than the first. The combination square’s simplicity of use and adaptability make it an excellent choice above other types of squares.

Why do you require one?

A decent combination square, like a marking gauge, is a must-have tool for woodworking novices. It lets you mark and cut at the most crucial angles in woodworking, 90 and 45 degrees.

Perfect 90-degree angles are required for everything from cutting a board to length to connecting edges to producing mortise and tenon joints, while 45-degree angles are as crucial for corner joints and many other cuts. Even if you want to use power tools, a decent combination square is essential.

While a sharp pencil would do for marking lines from your combination square, I’d recommend investing in a good marking knife as well. The Stanley 10-049 locking pocket knife comes highly recommended. It creates accurate lines, takes up very little room, and provides excellent value for money. I’ve been using one for over a decade and it has never failed me.

Which ones should you buy?

Although almost all combination squares appear to be the same, don’t be fooled into believing they’re all made equal. In finer woodworking projects, even a 1 or 2-degree difference in your combination square might produce extreme havoc!

The first alternative listed below is a less expensive one that should suffice, but because there is some variation in quality across items, double-check that yours is square when you open the box. Simply align it against a straight edge, draw a line, turn it over, and draw another line. It’s square if the two line up! If not, try adjusting it or replacing it with a different model.

If this seems like too much trouble, the second option could be a better fit. It’s pricey, but it’s a high-quality combo square that will endure for decades.

03# Clamps are must-have woodworking equipment.

Clamps are must-have woodworking equipment

Clamps, oh my. Any woodworker would tell you that you can never have too many of them. However, there is a bare minimum you’ll require to get anything done while you’re just beginning to start.

Why do you require them?

Clamps are required for everything when you first begin woodworking. Holding your work, bonding panels, final assembly… you always seem to require a third hand… The list might go on forever.

However, before you run out and buy a set of 24 or more clamps from your local big-box store, keep in mind that as a novice, you can get by with around 8 particular clamps.

Pipe clamps, on the other hand, are enormous and hefty, therefore a few high-quality bar clamps should be your next buy. These will take care of most of your everyday activities in the woodshop, at least until you have a quality workbench and vise.

Which ones should you buy?

While you will unavoidably accumulate a modest stockpile of clamps as you work overtime, you may avoid a lot of hassles by purchasing the correct clamps right now.

I’d start with four high-quality 3/4-inch or 1/2-inch Bessey pipe clamps for large jobs like furniture. These will last from your first construction to your hundredth, and you can easily upgrade them by switching out the pipe. If you’re in the UK, sash clamps are a better option because they’re easier to come by.

Grab four Bessey bar clamps for anything else. You’re undoubtedly most familiar with these clamps, and the set of two 6-inch and two 12-inch clamps listed below will never go out of style. Avoid buying inexpensive quick-release types, as they are often of inferior quality and more prone to breaking.

04# Hand saw is a must-have woodworking instrument.

Hand saw is a must-have woodworking instrument

During a time of innovative power devices and outrageous accuracy apparatus, it tends to be not difficult to disregard the modest hand saw, which is one of the most fundamental carpentry devices that each studio needs.

Why do you want one

These straightforward instruments (in numerous assortments) were once utilized for everything from tear chops down the length of a board to sensitive joinery.

Many hand apparatus idealists would prescribe purchasing somewhere in the range of 2 to 5 hand saws, yet for the amateur doing everything with hand devices are just excessively tedious, work escalated, and inside and out costly.

While there are still a few producers making excellent premium hand saws, the fact of the matter is most modest customary saws basically do not merit your time.

Fortunately, there is a special case, and it comes from the opposite side of the planet. Japanese draw saws are phenomenal apparatuses that are modest to purchase and give great outcomes. Additionally, they’re flexible and exceptionally simple to use for amateurs, and the sharp edges are basic and modest to supplant.

Which ones to purchase

I’m suggesting a Kataba, which is a bare-backed edge that can be utilized for tear cuts, cross cuts, and slanting cuts. It’s ideally suited for slicing to length and sawing to exact design lines for joinery, yet I wouldn’t utilize it for long tear cuts (despite the fact that it can do so). That errand is best covered by a round saw later in this aide.


Assuming that you’re searching for much greater adaptability, consider getting a twofold-sided Ryoba. These have two arrangements of teeth — one for crosscuts and one for tear cuts. They’re more agreeable for long tear cuts, however somewhat harder to oversee in more modest joinery work.

05# Essential woodworking tool: Smoothing plane

Essential woodworking tool Smoothing plane

The smoothing plane is a famous apparatus for carpenters, and all things considered.

Why do you really want one

Many aides will suggest fledglings run out and purchase a power joiner/planer, yet to me, this is outright gibberish. In addition to the fact that they take up a ton of room and cost a truckload of cash, but at the same time they’re finished pointless excess for somebody simply learning the art.

With regards to simply the fundamental carpentry instruments for amateurs, all of your planning should be possible with a solitary quality smoothing plane.

To sweeten the deal even further, figuring out how to be capable with a smoothing plane will chop down significantly on sanding time, which let’s face it, is the most exceedingly awful piece of carpentry.

Which one to purchase

Before you go out and purchase the least expensive smoothing plane you can find, you should realize that this is one device that is not really simple to get right. Practically all modest models are more difficult than they’re worth and may wind up baffling you into burning through hundreds more on a power planer.

My primary pick for fledglings comes from Stanley, which honestly doesn’t have the very standing that it used to. In any case, the Sweetheart No. 4 Premium is an astounding apparatus that costs in a real sense hundreds not exactly the following respectable model, and it’s an incredible get for novices and halfway carpenters.

My subsequent pick is one that will totally burn through every last dollar, yet is just unsurpassable in quality. Lie Nielsen is notable for excellent, great instruments and its No.4 Smooth Plane is the benchmark against which all advanced planes are judged.

However, be cautioned: it isn’t modest, and for novices on a tight spending plan that cash may be better distributed somewhere else.

06# Essential woodworking tool: Mallet


A hammer is one of those carpentry devices that makes an extraordinary novice project, however, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t in any case get one right off the bat.

Why do you want one

You most likely have a standard hook hammer someplace in your home, and you may be enticed to utilize it rather than a more appropriate carpentry hammer. Kindly don’t do this on the off chance that you have any adoration for your instruments and need them to endure.

Keep your hook hammer for pounding nails and get a decent nylon head hammer for all the other things in the woodshop.

Regardless of whether tapping joinery into its last situation during a gathering or crushing etches into hardwood, a decent hammer is massively fulfilling to utilize. Both the material input and sound will leave you dependent after first use.

Which one to purchase

While not all carpenters concur with the utilization of nylon head hammers for etches, they’re an incredible buy for novices requiring flexibility.

I’ve picked a model from confided in hammer creator Thor, which has two replaceable nylon heads and a powerful 900 gram (2 lb) weight. There are a few different choices that are lighter or have an alternate handle to suit your accurate requirements, however, the 900g model is my best option.

For those of you who should have a wooden hammer (and don’t have the opportunity or means to make one), my subsequent pick is a reasonable 4.5-inch model from Crown. It’s made of European hardwood (beech), however, it might require a touch of sanding before it’s prepared for use.

07# Essential woodworking tool: Chisels


Since you have an incredible hammer, it’s an ideal opportunity to get something to (delicately) whack with it.

Why do you really want them?

Assuming there’s one fledgling carpentry apparatus that merits placing some idea into prior to getting, it’. There are simply so many garbage etches available (even from respectable brands!) that can make your initial carpentry experience an outright bad dream.

Purchasing a decent arrangement of 6 etches and figuring out how to utilize and hone them will drastically work on the nature of your work. They can be utilized for joinery, forming, paring, cutting, and that’s just the beginning.

For this rundown of must-have carpentry apparatuses for fledglings, I’m suggesting a bunch of slant edge etches, which are adaptable and reasonable. Different assortments, similar to mortise etches or seat etches, are too particular to even consider beginning with and don’t offer many benefits.

Which ones to purchase

The best arrangement of carpentry etches for amateurs to get is the 6-piece set from Narex. This Czech-caused etches have fabulous quality steel, and they will last you for a lifetime whenever dealt with appropriately. The stained beech handles are likewise an amazing thing, and it even accompanies a presentation case.

Assuming you need to set aside a touch of cash or incline toward plastic handles for reasons unknown, the Irwin Marples 6-piece etch set is likewise an astounding decision. They’re bounty strong so you don’t need to stress a lot over your inability to make unsalvageable harm to the handles or edge.

08# Essential woodworking tools: Sharpening stones

Sharpening stones

A quality plane and etch will resolve well of the crate, yet you’ll require something to keep them sharp as you use them throughout the long term.

Why do you want them?

Every single cutting device, regardless of how well you treat them, will lose its edge over the long haul. Luckily, quality apparatuses like the ones prescribed up until this point are easy to hone with the right honing stones.

There are two fundamental sorts to consider for carpentry: water stones (or whetstones) and jewel plates.

Water stones arrive in an assortment of cornmeal and require just water to hone your apparatuses. Be that as it may, as you use them they will normally create a sunken in the focal point of the stone, so you’ll have to straighten them.

The best device for straightening water stones is a jeweled plate. These are more costly however they can likewise be utilized on your devices themselves and keep going for quite a long time with practically no support.

I’d suggest purchasing a bunch of jewel plates assuming you can bear the cost of it, however those on a careful spending plan can manage with a decent arrangement of water stones. I’ve suggested both beneath.

Which ones to purchase

The arrangement of three precious stone plates underneath probably won’t appear to be a decent incentive for a novice carpentry device, yet it will immediately turn into a fundamental piece of your interaction.

They aren’t modest, they will keep your etches and other cutting devices well-honed, and will not weaken following quite a while of utilization. They are definitely worth the venture from the get-go.

In case you can’t legitimize spending that much, a twofold-sided whetstone like the subsequent choice underneath is another good arrangement. It accompanies all that you want to get everything rolling, including an aide for honing kitchen blades, which may assist with legitimizing the buy-in of certain families.

09# Essential woodworking tool: Circular saw

Circular saw

Presently we’re beginning to get into the power device segment of our rundown of must-have carpentry apparatuses, and it starts off with one of the most helpful things in the whole aide.

Why do you want one

Numerous other purchasing guides for novice carpenters will suggest a table considered one of your first buys, yet around saw is a vastly improved decision. Here’s the reason:

Most importantly, roundabout saws are a lot less expensive. A decent roundabout saw will cost you two or three hundred dollars versus 1,000 dollars or more for a nice table saw.

Table saws additionally will generally be either too little to possibly be utilized for enormous activities or too large to even think about fitting in little studios. A decent table saw can be incredible for repeatable cuts and fast assembling, yet in the event that you’re simply getting going these shouldn’t be your concentration.

The best venture you can make as a fledgling carpenter is a great roundabout saw with a track. The track guarantees wonderful crosscuts and tear cuts — regardless of how long the workpiece is.

Trust me, you won’t miss the table saw. Get one when you’re prepared to submit more cash and space to carpentry, yet not previously.

Which one to purchase

Which round saw is best for you will rely to a great extent on what you anticipate building. Assuming that you will adhere to more modest forms, you can compromise here.

For a modest, basic round saw, the Skil 5180-01 can’t be bested. It’s little and lightweight yet at the same time has a very sizable amount of force for requesting assignments.

Assuming that you anticipate working with sheet materials or simply need to totally future-proof your tool kit, you ought to get a track saw like the Makita SP600J. It’s much more costly than the choice above, however, it accompanies a track that guarantees wonderful cuts without fail. You can likewise purchase simply the saw to set aside some cash prior to putting resources into a track later on when you want it.

The two choices are corded, and albeit cordless models are the best in class, they essentially do not merit the additional expense for novices.

10# Essential woodworking tool: Router

Essential woodworking tool: Router

ur second fundamental carpentry power device for novices is a switch. It’s a smidgen harder to dominate than a round saw, however, it will immediately turn into your go-to device for some assignments.

Why do you want one

A power switch is one of the most flexible carpentry instruments you’ll at any point own. Disregard rabbet planes, disregard dado edges, disregard cutting circles, and other standard shapes manually. A switch can do all of that and more effortlessly.

As your abilities improve, a switch can do significantly more with the assistance of dances. Dance making is craftsmanship by its own doing, however, so don’t stress a lot over this as a fledgling.

A few switches accompany a couple of fundamental pieces, however, you’ll presumably need to extend your assortment with a switch bit set in the end. A switching table is another incredible expansion, and you can even form one on the off chance that you have the opportunity. Dive deeper into those in the connection underneath.

Which one to purchase

For novices, I’m suggesting a more modest broadly useful wood switch that you can develop later with additional items like a dive base. This makes the minimal Makita RT0701C the best decision. I’ve been utilizing this switch for a really long time I actually love it.

It accompanies an adequate number of accomplices to do virtually all normal errands, with additional pieces and embellishments accessible for buy later on. This assists you with setting aside cash with your first buy, which is immense when you’re simply beginning.

Assuming you’re searching for something with a smidgen more power, the Bosch 1617EVS is another extraordinary choice. It’s more costly and doesn’t accompany however many adornments as the Makita, yet an exceptionally excellent switch will keep going you seemingly forever.

11# Essential woodworking tool: Power drill

Power drill

This is one of a handful of the must-have carpentry instruments on the rundown that you may as of now have. In case not, it’s precious time you got a power drill.

Why do you want one

A power drill is an unquestionable requirement to have an instrument for carpenters, however for any individual who does intermittent DIY work or home fixes.

Collecting IKEA furniture, boring openings to hang photo placements, blending paint, and in any event, sanding round surfaces is a breeze with a basic power drill.

The central concern to consider is whether to get a corded or cordless model. Corded models will more often than not be less expensive and all the more remarkable, however cordless models are simply a lot more advantageous.

Assuming you need to go above and beyond course, you can manage with an auger device set, screwdriver set, and a hand drill. All things considered, you will not have the option to achieve similar assignments as you can with a basic power drill.

Which one to purchase

Both of the choices suggested here are cordless drills, and neither one of the ones will burn through every last dollar. The first is a little 12-volt model from Bosch. It’s straightforward and lightweight and will do practically any errand you really want as a starting carpenter.

In case you’re searching for more power, the Dewalt 20V Max cordless drill. Its brushless engine gives it more power than its rivals and longer battery life. It isn’t modest, however extraordinary speculation for property holders to visit DIY errands around the house as well as carpentry.

12# Essential woodworking tool: Random orbital sander

Random orbital sander

The last should have carpentry instrument for fledglings may appear to be an extravagance, yet you’ll kick yourself for not getting one as you wrap up your first undertaking.

Why do you really want one

Sanding is one of the most drawn-out pieces of carpentry, and regardless of how clean your work is you’ll have to do some sanding prior to applying a completion.

A decent arbitrary orbital sander will make the penultimate advance of each form a lot quicker and charming. Furthermore, with extraordinary residue channels and a veil, your lungs will thank you as you become more seasoned.

Irregular orbital sanders are somewhat more costly than belt sanders or different sanders, yet they merit the additional cost. They offer a superior completed item without the whirling designs that different sorts abandon.

Which one to purchase

My first pick is an adaptable arbitrary orbital sander from Makita. It has an agreeable handle for long sanding meetings, just as the choice to snare it straightforwardly to your residue assortment framework in case you have one. It’s not very costly, however, you can save a couple of more bucks by not getting the conveying case.

In case you’re searching for a genuine spending plan arrangement, the Black+Decker BDERO100 offers a huge load of significant worth. It’s generally a large portion of the cost of the all-around modest Makita above, however isn’t exactly as full-included.

That is it for this manual for the essential carpentry devices novices will require. Ideally, you’ve observed the right instruments to get everything rolling on your carpentry venture! Tell me in the remarks beneath which apparatuses you got, or then again assuming that you have additional suggestions.

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