Mastering Book Marketing Get monthly Recurring commissions reviews 2022

Table of Contents

For Authors And Publishers Who Are Frustrated With Stagnant Amazon Book Sales…

This Is Why Selling Your Book Seems So Hard… And One Simple Trick To Get Amazon On Your Side Helping You Sell More Books!

From The Laptop Of Stefan James
Dear Book Author or Publisher,
Today I’m talking to anyone who’s ever written or published a book they’re proud of and then faced the crushing frustration of trying to get it into more hands without going broke promoting it.
And I know there’s someone reading this right now that wants to publish a book, but hasn’t started because they’re afraid that nobody will read it because they don’t know how to get exposure, momentum, and sales.
So whether you’ve got a book out there now or want to… but are stuck like a deer-in-headlights, this is for you.
First of all, have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to promote a book? 
Let me share with you a few reasons…
1. Since books have such a low price, it can be very expensive to buy advertising using traditional methods and recover the cost.
2. Most people buy books based on either the Bestseller lists or word-of-mouth… (So if you aren’t a bestseller and nobody’s recommending your book, it’s hard to know what to do).
3. Competition is fierce for the reader’s attention and getting worse. 
4. Finally, most authors and publishers are focusing on writing and publishing a good book, are passionate about their content, and aren’t expert-level marketers.

So how do you make a book a bestselling blockbuster that rakes in a fortune for its author?
For one, you stop asking that question because the bad news is, only a tiny number of books will ever reach superstar status.
The good news is, it’s not hard to create momentum and steadily increase book sales that produce passive income every single month.
And most authors and publishers I know would LOVE to give their books enough traction to pump several thousand dollars per month into their account by utilizing the best marketing strategies.
And I’m here to show you how to do just that.

To Take Your Publishing To The Next Level & Get All The Bonuses

Who Am I And How Can I Help You?

My name is Stefan James and first started publishing books on Amazon back in 2011.
Back then, I was broke, burnt out, and living on my friend’s couch, unsure how I was going to pay my bills.
And now I’ve built a thriving multi-million dollar a year online business called Project Life Mastery that is continually growing because I’m always looking for ways to help others achieve what I did, without trial and error.

Mastering Book Marketing

And even though I got my first taste of success publishing books on Amazon, it wasn’t until I learned the art of internet marketing that everything really changed for me.

It took years of trial and error to finally figure out how to build a raving fan audience and online brand that I could market my books to (along with anything else that I wanted to sell)
However, once I started experiencing massive success, I knew I could comfortably share my knowledge with a wider audience. 
Now, I’ve managed to help thousands upon thousands of people achieve a level of transformation in their lives just by helping them get on the right path in a variety of ways.
One of those ways is helping people tap into predictable passive income on Amazon by publishing books through their platform.
I first began revealing my methods on how to make money with Amazon with an online course I created back in 2013.
It was one of the original and best-selling courses teaching people how to create and publish Kindle books on Amazon.
But, as Amazon’s marketplace has evolved, I retired that course and have created newer, fresher training for authors and publishers to help them prime the pump on their book sales.

Here’s Where Most Publishers Get It Wrong… And How To Get It Right.

Most people publish a book on Amazon and expect Amazon to do all the work for them. 

It’s no surprise then that nobody buys their book. 
Smarter publishers work hard on getting their book to rank for keywords in Amazon’s search engine or turn to Amazon ads to promote their book when people are searching.
The problem is that EVERY OTHER publisher on Amazon is doing the exact same thing, making it harder for you to stand out and have a competitive advantage.  
Now, here’s how to get Amazon to really help you out…
What Amazon really likes to see is when a customer comes from outside of Amazon, directly to your book and buys it (and usually they buy something else as well).
That secretly signals that your book is a great way to bring in new buyers for Amazon. 
And since this is what they WANT, they’ll reward you for helping them.
And when you know how to bring in buyers from off-Amazon, you’ll get traffic that your competitors aren’t getting… which gives you more sales momentum that gets rewarded even more by Amazon with a higher ranking for your book.
This also means you’ll rack up reviews at lightning speed and we all know how important reviews are to selling books.
By doing what I just described, you basically make competition and “saturation” on Amazon obsolete.
There’s no more need to worry about competition, instead, competition will be worrying about you!
Make sense?

The Secret Is That Amazon Helps Those
That Help Amazon. You Scratch Their Back, They’ll Scratch Yours

And it’s actually why I’ve decided that I wanted to help you also use these proven strategies to boost your book sales on Amazon.
One of the key reasons people stop publishing, writing, and profiting from their books, is simply because they don’t know how to keep marketing them.
And that’s a shame. With so many cost-effective and proven methods to market and promote your books, it’d be terrible to keep these secrets.
So if you have written a book, published others, or have been waiting to write yours until you understood how to drive sales…
Then this is for you.
The best way to get ahead of what’s happening is by staying on the cutting edge of your industry.
And as one of the leading experts in this field, I decided to leverage my influence and bring some of the best authors and marketers around to help you.


Mastering Book Marketing 

A Proven Step-By-Step System For Marketing Books On Amazon

  • The Latest And Best Internet Marketing Strategies That Will Help You Blow By Your Competition And Make You More Money! 
  • ​Proven Free And Paid Traffic Strategies That Will Generate A Surge Of Book Sales For You.
  • ​Content Creation And Customer Attraction Strategies That Nobody Else Is Talking About!
  • ​How To Future-Proof Your Business So That It’s Not Reliant On One Platform Or Method.
  • ​Support And Feedback Inside Our Private Facebook Group Community!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

I know it’s not easy to keep up with every new strategy and tactic that people are using to promote their books effectively.
That’s why this isn’t a static program that you go through once. We work together every single month to make sure you’re taking advantage of the most effective book marketing strategies available anywhere. 
You’re really learning how to build a powerful online brand that can springboard you to consistent and passive profits long after you launch your book.
That’s because when you do what I say, you and your books will become a trusted authority that will continue making income for you for many years to come while opening up exciting NEW passive income streams like affiliate marketing, where you can start making money on the back-end.
In addition to all of this, you’ll also be invited to join my private Facebook group community with hundreds of people committed just like you.
This community is a POWERFUL resource for you, as you can get questions answered, learn what’s working for others, network with other publishers, and stay motivated.

To Take Your Publishing To The Next Level & Get All The Bonuses

Just Take A Look At Some Of The Results

Our Members Are Getting…

Here’s What We’ll Cover In The First 6 Months Alone…

MONTH #1: Platform Creation – How To Set Up Your Publishing Business For Success (IMMEDIATE ACCESS)

  • The Online Business Mastery Blueprint – Get My Exact Online Business Blueprint Responsible For Helping Me Build A Multi-Million Dollar Per Year Business. 
  • ​Your Book Marketing Success Plan – Learn How To Effectively Map Out A Marketing Plan For Your Book, So That You Can Ramp Up Book Sales.
  • ​A New Revenue Stream That Is Growing 20% Per Year That You Absolutely Should Be Taking Advantage Of.
  • ​Audiobook Publishing – How To Generate Additional Sales And Passive Income By Using ACX To Quickly Publish On Amazon, Audible, And iTunes.
  • Advanced Amazon Ads Training – Learn How To Optimize Your Amazon Ads And Make Your Campaigns Even More Profitable.
  • How To Create A Website And Blog That Gives You Credibility And Authority In Your Niche.

MONTH #2: How To Leverage The Most Important Marketing Channels So You Can Maximize Your Revenues (Unlocked After 30 Days)

  • The Amazon Algorithm Explained – Discover How The Amazon Algorithm Works So You Can Rank Your Books Faster And Increase Your Books Exposure.
  • Audiobook Marketing – ​Learn Insider Strategies On How To Get Reviews For Your Audiobook To Build Trust And Generate More Sales.
  • ​Find The Best Keywords To Write Blog Articles That Will Bring You Visitors And Sales From Search Engines.
  • ​A Simple “Hack” For Doing Keyword Research Effectively And Efficiently.
  • ​I’ll Reveal My Strategies For Creating Content That Influences And Attracts Thousands Of Raving Fan Customers Every Single Month.

MONTH #3: Discover Powerful Book Marketing Strategies To Scale Your Business (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)

  • Book Pricing Strategies – Learn Why Pricing Can Be A Barrier For Your Potential Readers And How To Price Your Book Effectively So You Can Achieve Your Book Marketing Goals.
  • ​Discover Why You Need To Be Utilizing BookBub, And How To Run BookBub Ads.
  • ​Web Design Strategies – Come Backstage With Me As I Show You How I Designed And Created My Website (
  • ​​How To Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO – Follow My Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Structure And Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO And Get Them Ranking On The First Page Of Google.
  • ​How To Convert Your Book To EPUB So You Can Publish Your Book On Other Retail Sites That Aren’t Amazon (Increasing Your Book Exposure).

MONTH #4: Proven Methods To Maximize Your Book Profits In Minimum Time (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)

  • ​How To Promote Your Book And Generate Sales With Newsletter Swaps & Joint Promotions.
  • ​How To Use Amazon Tracking Links To Uncover The Most Effective Book Marketing Strategy That Produces The Most Sales And Maximize Your Profits.
  • ​​Copywriting 101 – How To Create “Cash-Producing” Book Descriptions That Influence & Persuade People To Make Them Want To Buy Your Book Instantly.
  • ​​Discover My Little-Known Secrets To ​​Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers Fast So You Can Gain Traction And Scale Up Your Business (Hint: When You Have A List Of Subscribers, Selling Your Book Becomes MUCH EASIER). 

MONTH #5: My Favorite Strategies To “Outsmart” Your Competition And Get People To Buy Your Book (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)

  • ​A Simple Trick To Rank Your Book Higher On Amazon And Instantly Boost Your Book Sales (This Strategy Is Almost As Easy As Flipping On A Light Switch). 
  • ​My Favorite Method Of Using Free Bonu​ses To Set You Apart From Your Competition And Get People To Buy Your Book (Your Competition Doesn’t Want Me To Teach You This… But I’m Doing It Anyway). 
  • ​The Easiest Way To Increase Conversion Rates And Develop Your “Business Back-End” By Adding A Free Bonus Inside Your Book  (It’ll Surprise You How Easy This Strategy Is When You Know The Principle Behind It). 
  • A Proven Strategy That The Most Successful Authors Use To Promote Their Books On Podcasts. (Reach Thousands Of New Customers That Are Interested In Buying Your Book).

MONTH #6: Get Access To My Behind-Closed-Doors Book Marketing Secrets That I Use In My Own Business (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)

  • Learn The Most Powerful Book Marketing Strategy To Promote Your Book To A New Group Of Readers Who Can’t Wait To Buy Your Book.
  • Discover The Fastest Way To Skyrocket Your Profits Without Publishing More Books, Creating Your Own Course, Or Investing Into Paid Ads (This Is My FAVORITE Way To Make Money Online).
  • ​My Top, Most Sustainable Strategies For Getting Reviews For Your Book Without Begging, Bribing, Or Breaking Amazon’s Terms & Conditions. 

MONTHS 7+: You’ll Be Learning More Of The Best Internet Marketing Strategies And Tactics Every Single Month!

Click The Button Below To Get Access To Mastering Book Marketing And All My Bonuses 

To Take Your Publishing To The Next Level & Get All The Bonuses

And As If This Wasn’t Enough, I’m Also Throwing In A Few Bonuses Just For You To Help You Build Everything You Need….

If You Join Today You’ll Get $1,882 In Free Bonuses!

– BONUS #1 – Access The Mastering Book Marketing Facebook Group!($197 Value)

Nobody achieves success alone.  
Getting the support you need and accountability from others is a MAJOR ingredient for success.
You must understand that the people you surround yourself with will have a profound impact on how far you go. Most of your friends and family might think you’re crazy for wanting to start an online business… they just don’t “get it” because they don’t have the same aspirations that you do.
This is why I created the Mastering Book Marketing Facebook group to support you and help you surround yourself with like-minded people that have the same goals as you.
Even though each person is at a different level or stage of the game, you can LEVERAGE their knowledge and experience to go further, faster.
The Mastering Book Marketing Facebook Group is designed for you to be able to ask questions, receive feedback, and get encouragement from others.
This Community will ensure you never get stuck or lost throughout the process, giving you the help you need along the way!

– BONUS #2 – I’ll Have My Team Set Up A Blog And Website For You! ($1,000 Value)

If you really want to get outside traffic to your Amazon books and build your own online brand, then you’ll need your own website and blog. There’s no way around it.
Having a blog is one of the best book marketing strategies out there because you’ll be able to attract READERS that already enjoy reading articles and purchasing books on Amazon!
But setting up a new website and blog can be daunting if you’ve never done it before.
It took me months to create my first website. I had to learn how to install WordPress, set up my theme, install the right plugins, optimize it for SEO, and configure everything to work just right.
That’s why, for a limited time, I want to save you a MASSIVE amount of time and headaches by having my team set up a fully-functioning website and blog for you!
What’s the catch? Well, I’m going to pay my team to set everything up for you at no cost to you. However, all you need to do is cover the hosting fees with BlueHost, which it costs less than $7 per month. Fair? 
Instead of spending months, figuring everything out on your own, you can lean back and let my team do the heavy lifting for you in a matter of days.

– BONUS #3 – My Book Funnel Training, So You Can Start Building Your Own Email List Of Leads And Customers! ($297 Value)

One of the biggest mistakes book publishers make is NOT building an email list!
When customers purchase your books on Amazon, unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t give you the customer information. Why? Because Amazon views those customers as their customers, not yours.
That’s why one of the MOST IMPORTANT things for you to do is to create your own “funnel” so that you can start collecting your customer email addresses, which allows you to:

  • ✅ Follow up with your customers and ask them to leave an Amazon review.
  • ✅ Cross-promote other books you’ve published on Amazon, getting more sales to them.
  • ✅ Build a relationship with your customers by providing value to them.
  • ✅ Make more money on the “back-end” through affiliate marketing and increase the lifetime value of your customers.

A common saying amongst internet marketers is, “The money is in the list.”
An email list literally allows you to send an email to your subscribers with promotions and get immediate sales. It’s one of the most powerful marketing strategies for you to utilize.
To start building your email list, you’ll need the right training and tools. In this bonus, I show you how to do it step-by-step through some of my favorite internet marketing tools that I use in my own online business.

– BONUS #4 – The Mindset Of A Successful Online Entrepreneur($97 Value)

Have you ever seen a highly successful person with a poor mindset? 
Think of people like Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, or Elon Musk. 
They all have a similar mindset that makes them successful. 
When it comes to achieving success, people generally want the shiny tactics, yet they’re missing the foundation – the right mindset for success. Two people could have the exact same strategy, yet get totally different results, because one has the right mindset and the other doesn’t. 
You’ve probably heard before that “80% of success comes down to mindset and psychology. Only 20% comes down to strategy.”
Not having the right mindset is the #1 reason why most people fail in their online business.
That’s why I created this video training for you. It unleashes the TRUE POWER of your own mindset and helps cultivate one that will lead to your success, freedom, and prosperity!

– BONUS #5 – The Publishing Parthenon Strategy ($97 Value)

Another common mistake most book publishers make when starting out is depending ONLY on Amazon Book Publishing as their only source of income. 
Amazon Book Publishing is a great start, but you can’t have all your eggs in one basket. 
To build an online business, you need to diversify and build multiple streams of traffic and income. 
This training shifts your mindset towards thinking bigger by creating multiple streams of income. You will learn how to turn a 1-Legged Stool into a Publishing Parthenon, helping you create more long-term sustainable success.

– BONUS #6 – How JJ Virgin Became A New York Times Bestselling Author ($97 Value)

It’s easy to look at people’s success and think they had it easy. 
Well, not for JJ Virgin – celebrity nutrition and fitness expert, New York Times Bestselling Author and creator of a global media empire. 
She is known for her bestselling books, The Virgin DietSugar Impact Diet, and Warrior Mom.
I had the chance to sit down with JJ and interview her on her incredible success story, which will inspire you and show you what it takes to become a New York Times Bestselling Author. JJ will share with you how she built her business and the challenges she’s faced along the way. 

As you get caught in the busyness of building your business and marketing your brand, you can easily neglect the legalities of business.
Most people think they can “fly under the radar.” But this isn’t the case! Since 2014, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) started to be less concerned with the big companies, and now they’re drilling down on small businesses. If you don’t comply with FTC rules, you can get into serious trouble. That’s why I want to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you. 
I had the opportunity to interview Chip Cooper, the go-to Internet attorney for all things related to the Federal Trade Commission. I have been personally working with Chip Cooper for multiple years now to ensure that my company, Project Life Mastery, is protected. 
In this bonus, you will learn what it takes to have your business compliant with the rules of the Internet in order to avoid getting into trouble.

Click The Button Below To Get Access To Mastering Book Marketing And All My Bonuses 

To Take Your Publishing To The Next Level & Get All The Bonuses

So How Much Is Mastering Book Marketing?

I know that Mastering Book Marketing by itself is easily worth over $2,000 and many publishers would be happy to pay that, especially knowing how they can make that money back with what they’ll learn inside this course.
That’s not even including the incredible bonuses I’ve mentioned above, which are worth $1,882.
However, I know we’re in unprecedented times right now and that money can be tight.
That’s why I’ve decided to make the retail price only $97 per month and make Mastering Book Marketing a monthly membership program, allowing it to become much more affordable by breaking up payments every month.
BUT since you’re here and this is the first time I’m launching this course…
I’m willing to “grandfather you in” with a $50 discount for as long as you’re a member of Mastering Book Marketing.
That means, for a limited time, you can join Mastering Book Marketing for only $47/month!
With the $50 savings I’m giving you, you can instead use that extra $50 every month for marketing, getting traffic, creating new content or anything you want. And I encourage you to reinvest those savings back into your books!
That’s where you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck.
And as I said before, this really isn’t for everyone. 
This is for you if you’ve just written a book and looking for ways to market it, or if you’re thinking about writing a book but the marketing aspect of it seems daunting…
And finally, this is for you if you’ve written a book and you’re looking for ways to reinvigorate sales after the initial push has worn down, kind of like a perpetual promotion!
To get started, click the button below and you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where all you have to do is enter your regular details and complete your investment today.

Just To Recap… This Is What You’ll Get…

  • MONTH #1: Platform Creation – How To Set Up Your Publishing Business For Success (IMMEDIATE ACCESS)
  • MONTH #2: How To Leverage The Most Important Marketing Channels So You Can Maximize Your Revenues (Unlocked After 30 Days)
  • ​MONTH #3: Discover Powerful Book Marketing Strategies To Scale Your Business (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)
  • ​MONTH #4: Proven Methods To Maximize Your Book Profits In Minimum Time (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)
  • ​MONTH #5: My Favorite Strategies To “Outsmart” Your Competition And Get People To Buy Your Book (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)
  • ​​​​MONTH #6: Get Access To My Behind-Closed-Doors Book Marketing Secrets That I Use In My Own Business (Unlocked 30 Days After The Previous Month)
  • MONTHS #7+: You’ll Be Learning More Of The Best Internet Marketing Strategies And Tactics Every Single Month!
  • ​BONUS #1: Join The Mastering Book Marketing Facebook Group! ($197 Value)
  • ​​BONUS #2: I’ll Have My Team Set Up A Blog And Website For You! ($1,000 Value)
  • ​BONUS #3: My Book Funnel Training, So You Can Start Building Your Own Email List Of Leads And Customers! ($297 Value)
  • ​BONUS #4: The Mindset Of A Successful Online Entrepreneur ($97 Value)
  • BONUS #5: The Publishing Parthenon Strategy ($97 Value)
  • ​BONUS #6: How JJ Virgin Became A New York Times Bestselling Author ($97 Value)
  • ​BONUS 7: ​Legal Protection For Your Online Business ($97 Value)

There are two membership options available when joining Mastering Book Marketing:
Option 1 is the Annual Membership and the best value, as you’ll save 2 additional months in membership fees and also be able to UNLOCK THE FIRST 12 MONTHS of lessons inside Mastering Book Marketing (instead of waiting for Months 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. to be unlocked). Your subscription gets re-billed every year for as long as you remain a member. You can cancel at any time.
Option 2 is the Standard Membership, where you’ll get immediate access to Month 1’s lessons, and then will have to wait 30 days for Month 2, etc… Your subscription gets re-billed every month for as long as you remain a member. You can cancel at any time.
All of the bonuses mentioned above are included in both options.

Option 1: Best Value 

Get 2 Months FREE, Unlock The First 12 Months And Get Grandfathered In For Only  $470/yr

Option 2: Standard

Get Started And Grandfathered In For Only  $47/mo

My 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I’m confident that you’re going to LOVE Mastering Book Marketing and that you’ll be able to make your money back in a reasonable amount of time.
However, I know there’s also some uncertainty when making a new investment.
First, I want to let you know that you can cancel your membership at any time by simply emailing my team at
However, I want to take things a step further and remove ANY RISK by offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee.
This means if you’re not happy with the first 30 days of training, send us an email and we’ll happily refund your investment. And we’ll even part as friends.
If you instead decide to stay on board, then you’ll automatically be re-billed at the special 50% savings you’re able to secure here today.  You’ll either be re-billed monthly if you chose the monthly option, or yearly if you chose the annual option.
Remember, all I’m giving you is the ability to finally have the freedom to make your books a success and be able to leverage who you are to become an authority, have more impact with your work, and also turn your books into a reliable income stream.
All while giving you some of the best strategies, tactics, and supportive Facebook group community along the way to keep you on the cutting edge of what’s working in Amazon book marketing today.
If you want to get this incredible 50% off lifetime discount, then all you have to do is click the order button below and be taken to our secure checkout page.
Complete your investment and get started today!

To Take Your Publishing To The Next Level & Get All The Bonuses

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