Now that we’ve entered our New Year’s resolutions for 2022 a lot of people are thinking. What is one of the most popular decisions people make? To lose weight.

When people set their goals they stock up on healthier foods and sign up for gym memberships they’re most likely trying to figure out what the real best and easiest way to lose weight is.

That’s why we spoke with a group of nutritionists to get their opinions on how to lose weight in 2022 so you can spend less time researching how to lose weight and more time burning fat. Here are their best weight loss tips this year and for healthier eating advice be sure to check them out The best weight loss snacks.


It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do for you. First, it can help you reduce sugar cravings and balance hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Plus it can help you exercise more energetically after a good night’s sleep. -Su-Nui Escobar DCN RDN FAND

IBS diet

Many people gain weight because they restrict too much for a few days but after eating a little something that wasn’t in their “diet,” they binge eat until Monday to start eating again. -Escobar

scrambled eggs

Pay special attention to adding protein to your breakfast. This will keep you satisfied for longer making it easier to resist high-calorie high-fat foods until your next meal. -Escobar

RELATED: 19 high-protein breakfasts to keep you full

snacking on cookies from cookie bowl

Offers you a healthier alternative as a snack. There will come a time when you’ll want a little snack or something sweet and there are good alternatives that can help you eat what you want while continuing to lose weight. -Escobar

RELATED: 10 Diet Snacks That Really Satisfy Dietitian Recommendations


The gut is often referred to as the second brain so the food we feed it affects many other processes in our body. In fact research on the effects of diet on the microbiome is therefore increasingly looking at obesity. To support a healthy microbiome healthy or The “good” bacteria in the gut need to be nourished and encouraged to grow into a diverse microbial community. You can eat a nutrient-dense diet by: (1) filling at least half your plate with vegetables in most meals (2) including probiotic foods or supplements (3) consuming large amounts Fiber-rich foods (prebiotics) to feed those healthy gut microbes and (4) limit alcoholic beverages as much as possible. –Angela L. Lago MS RDN LDN

fatty fish

At least 20 grams of protein per meal such as eggs tofu seafood and lean meats and at least 10 grams for snacks. Protein can keep you fuller longer and help you manage your hunger. Additionally, the body uses more energy to digest protein which provides another advantage. – Elizabeth Ward MS RDN and co-author of Menopause Meal Plan: A Natural Guide to Managing Hormonal Health and Well-Being

fiber rich foods

Get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day from foods like beans and lentils whole grains fruits vegetables and nuts. In addition to keeping you full fiber it also feeds healthy bacteria in your gut that help you regulate hunger-related blood sugar levels. – Ward

Courtesy One Ingredient Chef

The body is better at processing food earlier in the day. Eating at night can make weight control more difficult because insulin the hormone that moves glucose from digestion into cells also doesn’t work. Eating less during the day may also lead to overeating at night Making weight control more difficult due to excessive calorie consumption. Restricting food intake at night provides an additional advantage when trying to lose weight. – Ward

Read Here: Glucofort Reviews (WARNING?!?) Customers are the first to know!


There are several reasons why keeping a food diary is an effective weight loss tip for 2022. It keeps you informed about how much you’re eating and how it’s making you feel physically and emotionally. It also holds you accountable as many of us tend to forget what we eat during the day or We overestimated how much we ate. It’s easy to overeat junk food because it tastes so good so keep track of your meals to make sure they’re healthy. —Ronald Smith RD

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  • Weight Loss Doctors Say This Will Push You To Lose Weight
  • I lost 110 pounds and this is the first thing that happened
  • The Best Weight Loss Habits You Need to Try

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