Table of Contents
- 1 Extra secret #1:
- 2 How to Lose Belly Fat: 5 Little-Known Secrets
- 3 Secret #3: You overindulged in the delicious stuff.
- 4 Secret #5: You’re not working hard enough to sweat or breathe deeply enough.
- 5 The Three Components of Belly Fat Loss
Today, we’ll discuss how to reduce weight in one of the most inconvenient areas of your body: your belly.
Are we, or aren’t we? Stay with me as I disclose the secrets of losing belly fat that no one has ever informed you about.
First and foremost, decreasing abdominal fat isn’t simple. It will take effort and discipline if you’re prone to accumulating fat there. It is, nonetheless, doable.
Do you believe Kristin’s belly fat loss (and overall remarkable weight loss) was achieved via the use of a diet pill? Or by doing a five-minute workout circuit three times a week?
Certainly not! This woman set out to reduce weight and improve her health, and she succeeded by working her butt off.
Just a moment…
Isn’t this article on how to lose abdominal fat?
Extra secret #1:
You can’t only target your belly fat. (This information has been out for a while, so it’s not exactly a secret.) Your body stores belly fat the same way it stores fat in your hips, thighs, and other areas. So, in order to lose belly fat, you must reduce overall body fat.
Have you been losing weight and are simply wanting to get rid of that last bit of tummy fat? Great! That will also be covered by me!
Please with your physician before beginning any workout plan or diet. For further information, see the Disclaimer. It’s possible that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. Please see my Disclosure page for more information. Thank you very much!
How to Lose Belly Fat: 5 Little-Known Secrets
Secret #1: You shed visceral belly fat first when you lose weight.
Hold the phone for a moment. Is it better to remove abdominal fat first? This contradicts everything we’ve ever believed to be true! Is this correct?
Yes…but also no. And it’s all because of the word “visceral.” What’s more, guess what? You have TWO different types of abdominal fat.

01# Visceral fat is the first kind of belly fat.
The harmful abdominal fat that surrounds your internal organs is known as visceral adipose tissue (also known as visceral fat).
Researchers have revealed that visceral abdominal fat accounts for a large portion of the first weight loss.
Hmm, this makes sense because organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been claiming for years that losing only 5-10% of your body weight will improve your health dramatically.
Because your abdomen is the nearest fat source to your liver, it’s assumed that you shed visceral belly fat first. As you lose weight, your liver begins to take fat from other places, including your thighs and maybe your subcutaneous abdominal fat (often known as “belly fat”).
02# Subcutaneous fat is the second kind of belly fat.
Let’s speak about subcutaneous fat for a moment. This is the visible fat. As I previously stated, I’m referring to subcutaneous abdominal fat when I mention belly fat.
Why is it that certain people tend to store subcutaneous belly fat first and subsequently lose it? It’s most likely because they do.
Here are some plausible explanations for abdominal fat accumulation:
- Genetics – everybody is different, and fat is stored in different areas in different bodies.
- Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s
- Excess visceral fat can induce inflammation, which can be harmful to your health.
- Stress causes an increase in cortisol.
- Hypothyroidism is a condition that can be addressed by a doctor.
- Postmenopausal women, in particular, are affected by aging.
Regardless of how the belly fat developed, implementing healthy lifestyle adjustments will aid in its reduction. Even if it’s due to genetics, you can overcome it with hard effort. And if the cause is harmful visceral fat-induced inflammation, all the more motivation to make healthy adjustments!

Keep in mind that you must decrease visceral fat first! Continue even if you can’t notice any changes on the outside at first. That subcutaneous abdominal fat will eventually be absorbed by your body.
Assume you’ve shed a significant amount of weight. Even if you’ve lost weight, you’re still trying to lose some stubborn belly fat. It’s likely that:
Keep in mind that you must decrease visceral fat first! Continue even if you can’t notice any changes on the outside at first. That subcutaneous abdominal fat will eventually be absorbed by your body.
Assume you’ve shed a significant amount of weight. Even if you’ve lost weight, you’re still trying to lose some stubborn belly fat. It’s likely that:
Secret #2: You’ve most likely come close to shedding the last of your tummy fat in the past.
And one of these is almost certainly correct:
a. You just did not continue.
You don’t gain belly fat overnight, and you can’t lose belly fat quickly either. It will take some time. And you might not even realize it’s working at first. REMAIN STRONG!
b. You haven’t made enough adjustments.
If your dinner consists of loads of spaghetti and you overdose on alcohol every night, even substituting a salad for your burger at lunch may not yield effects. Be truthful to yourself. Losing abdominal fat is difficult, as I have stated. However, if you follow the three steps outlined below, you’ll be able to attain your goal.
c. You reached a plateau since your body had grown used to your workouts.
The worst is plateauing. It indicates you worked hard, made progress, and then your body turned against you. Our bodies are intelligent and capable of responding to the demands we place on them. To observe progress, you must continue to challenge yourself. If you believe this is what occurred to you, have a look at this page to see how you can change things up:
Secret #3: You overindulged in the delicious stuff.
Nutrition is critical to eliminating undesirable belly fat, as we’ll discuss further below. Unfortunately, “clean eating” isn’t always enough.
It’s no secret that consuming too many calories can hinder you from losing weight and may even cause you to gain weight. You must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight.
Even if you’re eating nutritious foods like almonds, nut butter, avocados, granola/protein bars, and protein shakes, consuming too much of these might easily hinder you from shedding belly fat.
Secret #4: You failed because you didn’t do enough weight training.
Or rather, the absence of it. In his book, The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises, Adam Campbell lists 20 reasons why weight lifting is so good. One of the reasons for this is because you burn more calories, mainly fat.
Weight lifting increased participants’ metabolisms for 39 hours following their exercise, according to a University of Wisconsin research discussed in Campbell’s book. Another Penn State University study found that individuals who did weight training in addition to cardio dropped the same amount of weight but lost more pounds of fat throughout the course of the trial. This means that the other groups lost muscle mass, which won’t help you achieve your goals.
Secret #5: You’re not working hard enough to sweat or breathe deeply enough.
Are you merely doing mild exercises? Do you find yourself barely breathing or breaking a sweat? As a result, you’re probably not burning any fat.
Where does the fat go when you lose weight?
Interesting fact! When fat is converted into energy, two waste products are produced: carbon dioxide and water. You exhale carbon dioxide, and water is expelled in the form of sweat and urine. The harder you work, the harder you breathe, and the more you sweat – which means you’ll burn more fat!
The Three Components of Belly Fat Loss
You must follow a healthy eating plan (lowering calories and limiting sugar), exercise regularly, and strengthen your muscles. If you do these three things, your friends will soon be asking you how to lose belly fat.

Nutrition is the way to go!
Without a doubt, eating is the key. Several studies have found that those who make effective dietary modifications lose more weight.
Consider research undertaken at the University of Missouri, which Campbell mentions. They divided participants who had recently lost weight through a combination of diet and exercise into two groups. They next had both groups increase their daily calorie intake, but one of them also continued to exercise five days a week.
Are you able to figure out what happened?
They had all regained their stomach fat.
A lousy diet is impossible to outrun (literally). You’re not going to be able to do it.
This is coming from a licensed personal trainer and someone who spent 2.5 years as a registered nurse, the most of which was spent counseling patients on how to lose weight.
Clean up your diet while also keeping an eye on your calorie intake. You’ll only be able to lose tummy fat this way.
Cardiovascular exercise
Although I believe that eating is the most important factor in decreasing belly fat, exercising will merely speed up the process. Not only that, but it will make you a lot healthier in the process. Cardio will lower your risk of cardiovascular disease while also speeding up weight reduction because you’ll be burning calories.
Here’s what you should do:
Your new best buddy should be cardio.
- 5–6 days a week (always take at least one day off every week)
- Duration: 40-60 minutes OR two 20-30 minute sessions
- Moderate Intensity
- Walking, jogging, biking, rowing, elliptical, and swimming are all good options if your BMI is optimum or overweight.
- If your BMI suggests obesity, low-impact modalities include walking, stationary bike, rowing, and swimming.
Here’s where you can find out what your BMI is. If you’re fat, stick to low-impact exercise to reduce your risk of injury.
Because cardio is going to be your new best buddy, choose something you enjoy! There’s something for everyone out there.
Consider cardio to be only half of your workout. Strength training is the second half, which is just as crucial if not more so.
Strength training is a type of exercise.
It’s critical to keep safe when doing resistance training. You’ll want to push yourself and challenge yourself while being safe.
The following table displays some useful beginning parameters:
- 2 days per week is the frequency.
- Sets: Each exercise has 2-3 sets.
- 12-15 reps 12-15 reps 12-15 reps 12-15 reps 12-15 reps 12-15 rep
- Weight: The heaviest weight that permits you to finish all repetitions.
- Between sets, take a minute to rest.
- Technique: Lift quickly and slowly.
- How many exercises are there each workout? 12-25 total sets
Weight loss has been demonstrated to be particularly successful when using circuits. When you perform one set of all the exercises back-to-back, rest, and then repeat, you’ve completed a circuit. A circuit is something like my 10-minute ab workout.
It’s very aggravating to have too much tummy fat. But I think I’ve demonstrated that it is feasible to eliminate. All you have to do now is include appropriate diet, cardio, and strength training into your routine, and you’ll be well on your way!
Implementing just one adjustment might be a fantastic place to start. You can do it!
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